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Tennis Fitness

We have group classes designed for the rotational athlete, which happens to be all athletes if you look deep enough.

Many programs carry the label of “sport-specific” training, yet are riddled with exercises and drills that have little to no carryover.  Our group classes teach the most paramount patterns and control for improved performance throughout the movements required during rotational sports. Oftentimes people prioritize “learning their sport” or “perfecting their skill” over other time-worthy ventures. But the reality is, we are people first and athletes second. So if as a person, I lack stability, balance, mobility, motor control, acceleration, deceleration, change of direction, or some other awareness, it may not do much good to hit ball after ball or do the same ole drills. Most sports actually carry far greater degrees of rotation than people realize. To be honest, all movement comes down to rotation, circles, spirals, and diagonals. Even when we walk in a straight line, most of the body is rotating at some point. But, when you look at the majority of exercises being

Focal points of these classes:


  • Teach stability in areas lacking for greater results in your sport

  • Improve mobility where restricted for bolstered posture and performance

  • Cultivate disassociation between upper body and lower body

  • Educate on foot function to boost agility and balance

  • Groom improved coordination for efficient transfer to sport

  • Address breathing mechanics for injury prevention and improved performance

  • Introduce new dialogue to groom new perception towards movement and sport
    And more……

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