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Youth Development

We offer youth classes developing movement and habits to provide the appropriate outlook on wellness from an early age.

Mankind is constantly in a state of proving themselves wrong and the wellness community is no exception. Many of the exercises, diets and other approaches occupying the health and fitness space are outdated and often wrong or misapplied. Unfortunately, often times parents subject their children to the same approach as the average adult. This can be problematic for a couple reasons.  One, children usually have different needs than adults in many ways, especially motor control. Two, if one isn’t truly qualified to APPROPRIATELY teach children, they are likely to overlook important details that could give them bad habits moving forward or hurt them. We are products of our environment. Let’s make sure we position our young not only to experience success as they age but also allow them a chance to get out from under many of the “broken” ideas and behaviors lingering in the health and fitness space.  Our children deserve the best education from the best teachers, delivered with integrity and care for their wellbeing.

The list could go on forever…… the point is, we all need the ability to manage our bodies and health and it needs to start from an early age. It’s easier to maintain than it is to repair or restore.  Plus, if taught properly from an early age, there is no time spent ‘unlearning’ what has been sold through marketing or spread by others. We spend A LOT of time unwinding what our participants perceive or think before we can develop new habits. This is the missing step for many who don’t usually achieve results. We don’t know what we don’t know….so we don’t know when WE may be the largest obstacle in some way we aren’t considering. Intention doesn’t always equal reality. We want our participants to live and learn with purpose and reason, and no longer operate out of habit. We are our habits. Change your habits to create real change.

Focal Points:

  • Develop motor control and coordination

  • Teach the ‘who, what, when, where, why, and how’ of exercise and its true purpose

  • Emphasize progress and awareness to deliver competent movers and confident kids

  • Teach the importance of proper breathing and all its positive influences

  • Groom healthy beliefs relating to wellness and exercise that align with reality

  • Imprint long term life practices and habits

  • Deliver skills that allow for the maintenance of tissue quality, range of motion, and balance

  • Mold them into more adaptable people

  • Produce postural connectivity for early habit development

  • Raise awareness on daily habits contributing to common obstacles

Chilren During Physical Education Lesson
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