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Tissue Health

With modern living becoming increasingly more sedentary, it’s no surprise we’re coming across more individuals with depleting soft tissue quality. Why is this a bad thing? Considering our body is ultimately a single system made up of many systems, having poor quality tissue can wreak havoc across many bodily functions, play a role in disease and even cause pain. With LOCO, we routinely assess and promote the importance of maintaining healthy tissue.

There are many ways to make such improvements…. some obvious and some not so much. Simple things we can take for granted, like hydration, can massively influence the quality of our tissue. We also like to introduce different therapeutic modalities like cupping, kinesiology taping and instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, otherwise known as scraping. These therapies have the potential to influence many systems across the body. The most important way these options help us, is via their effects on the brain as it relates to our tissue and it’s current condition.


A few examples of less obvious ways poor tissue quality can impact our lives are listed below:

– Erectile dysfunction can be caused by matted down and compressed tissue that negatively influences circulation
– Skin conditions can be brought on due to disturbance in our lymphatic system as a result of poor tissue environments
– Blood pressure can elevate simply due to restrictions across the body
– Pain can sometimes be as simple as compressed areas around a nerve or compression that breeds movement dysfunction
– Poor tissue can influence oxygen uptake, which can influence literally every aspect of your body
– Our natural ability to detox can be hindered by obstacles within our tissue.


As you can see, it’s no small conversation when discussing the possible effects of poor tissue
quality. It’s now become paramount for the average person to be able to begin maintaining and improving upon their tissue quality. We plan to always have ongoing dialogue with our members relating to this subject.

As time passes by, we suspect this conversation will only continue to increase in importance. Interestingly enough, working on our tissue can serve as an effective warm up, as well as a very beneficial approach to recovery…. not only recovery from exercise, but also recovery from daily life. Unfortunately, sitting in a chair may actually create a larger requirement for this type of intervention than exercise does.

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